Mineral swap meet

  Informations :

A mineral swap meet is a gathering dedicated to mineralogy enthusiasts, where only exchanges between participants are allowed, with no sales permitted. These events are designed to promote sharing and discovery, enabling collectors and hobbyists to trade specimens of minerals, fossils, or gemstones in a friendly and welcoming atmosphere. Each participant brings their own pieces, often from personal collections, to find missing specimens or simply share their passion with others. Swap meets offer a unique environment focused on mutual enrichment of collections and the joy of meeting like-minded individuals, while adhering to strict rules to preserve their non-commercial spirit.



 23-24 March 2024 - Clermont-Ferrand (63) - FRANCE

I will certainly be present on Saturday for most of the day to discuss and share our passion.

Halle aux grains - Place de la Halle - 63500 ISSOIRE - FRANCE

For any information :
Stéphane FALIP : 06 15 35 29 39

Groupe Géologique et Minéralogique de la Région Yssoire

 23-24 March 2024 - Clermont-Ferrand (63) - FRANCE

I will certainly be present on Saturday for most of the day to discuss and share our passion.

Halle aux grains - Place de la Halle - 63500 ISSOIRE - FRANCE

For any information :
Stéphane FALIP : 06 15 35 29 39

Groupe Géologique et Minéralogique de la Région Yssoire











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